West Pymble Public School

Telephone02 9144 7584


Student Voice

Student Voice at WPPS 2024

Student Voice at West Pymble Public School refers to the opportunities in student leadership and the expression of ideas, attitudes and perspectives on a range of issues within and beyond the school community.

On this page

Student Voice describes the distinct perspectives and actions of young people throughout schools focused on education and their engagement with local, national and global issues. Student Voice is giving students the ability to influence learning to include policies, programs, contexts and principles and the opportunity to be actively engaged with citizens that affect and influence decision making in the school and wider community context.

At West Pymble Public School we teach our students to value the importance of integrity and egalitarianism and we continue to develop opportunities for them to be empowered in the expression of their collective and individual student voice.  

School Captains and Vice Captains

Our school Captains and Vice Captains are key senior student representatives who are elected based on their ability to uphold and promote our core school values. These students act as representatives of all students at in-school and offsite events and work closely with all staff. 

School Captains

  • Maddison E and Isaac L

School Vice Captains

  • Sophie C and Oliver L

House Captains

The West Pymble Public School House Captains will work with the SRC to enhance leadership density amongst the student houses. The House Captains are elected annually to lead the three school houses, Bangal, Munda and Wyuna throughout the year at school events such as the annual Swimming Carnival, Cross Country and Athletics Carnival. 


House Captains

  • Bangal: Mia P and Tyler F
  • Munda: Jessica B and Angus C
  • Wyuna: Eva L and James T

Student Representative Council (SRC) 

Coordinator: Mrs Kelly

The WPPS Student Representative Council, led by the School Captains and the Vice Captains, meet fortnightly to discuss school goals, fundraising initiatives, school expectations and student responsibilities. Each class has two elected representatives who hold class meeting and then attend the SRC meeting to represent their class peers.

SRC Semester One Representatives

2/1B               Mia C and Rory T

2/1E               Isabel H and Teddy T

2/1S                Annika D and Isaac C

3/2F                Aedan R and Colette F

4/3LC             Claudia H and Sam T

4/3K                Mason C and Grace P

6/5D                Emma M and Rotem B

6/5G               Nina G and Marcus L

6/5J                Charlyse M and Zachary O

Plus School Captains and Vice Captains.

SRC Semester Two Representatives

2/1B                Ben S and Felix N

2/1E                 Leona B and Ella T

2/1S                 Annika D and Isaac C

3/2F                Tom Mac and Henry R

4/3LC              Hannah P and Caleb K

4/3K                Ada H and Dusty M

6/5S                Grace C and Jackson W

6/5B               Emily Mc and Remy L

6/5J                 Harvey A and Felix C

Plus captains and vice captains.


Visit the West Pymble Public School Newsletter under the heading Student Voice to learn more about the school leaders and their initiatives.