West Pymble Public School

Telephone02 9144 7584


Kiss and drop information

Kiss n Drop

At WPPS the safety of our students, parents, teachers and wider community is of the utmost importance and one of our core behaviour expectations. This is why we are a Kiss and Drop School!

Please ensure that you abide by traffic laws and the school’s expectations to ensure that every child arrives at school and returns home unharmed.

Kiss & Drop

Please note the following parking restrictions:

Apollo Ave Kiss & Drop Zone No Parking

8:30am - 9.30am

3:00pm - 4:00pm

No stopping in turning circles on Tristania Place, Apollo Ave or Diana Ave.

No parking on Saturdays 8am - 5:00pm

Please be aware of these restrictions and be considerate to residents and other parents attempting to access these areas. Note that dogs are not allowed on school grounds at any time.